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No March Meeting

Due to multiple conferences in March, we will skip this month.  It’s one of the very rare times that we skip a month (besides our usual August month off).   We may either have 2 meetings later in the year, or have a meeting in August.

– NYJavaSIG Leadership


Venkat Subramaniam has an awesome AI conference, “Arc of AI,” on March 31 – April 4.  He is giving away one free ticket per month up until the conference.  Just scan the QR code to enter the raffle.   CLICK TO ENTER

40% off Devnexus conference ticket!  Devnexus is the largest Java platform conference in the USA.  CLICK TO REGISTER

Usual Meeting Location

Bank of NY

240 Greenwich St, New York, NY 10286

Sponsors of the NYJavaSIG

Thanks to our sponsors for supporting the Java community!